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In 1908 Sir Robert Baden-Powell wrote his best-selling book ‘Scouting for Boys’ and that same year, in direct response to his ideals, Scout Troops were being set up worldwide with great enthusiasm.
1st Whitstable was in the vanguard of the Scout movement, starting life in the early months of 1909 and quickly establishing itself as an integral part of the local community.

In bringing young people from different backgrounds together, the hope was to bridge gaps in society, and give everyone the opportunity to learn new skills. 


The Scouts introduced new words and phrases to society: ideas like ‘the good turn’, ‘the Scout Law’ and ‘the Scout Promise’ took off, alongside B-P’s famous motto: ‘Be Prepared’.


Meanwhile, the boys of the 1st Whitstable in their gold and black neckerchiefs were becoming a familiar sight in the town – reassuring people in times of national crisis. They played a key role on the home front in both world wars, with duties such as sounding air raid warnings with bugles in the Great War and collecting tons of waste paper for the national effort in the Second World War.


Over one hundred years on from its foundation that spirit still exists in the 1st Whitstable, with regular participation in local events and contributions to youth involvement in the town’s calendar.Today the same spirit and intention of the Scouts exists and 1st Whitstable are an example of this. 


Whether it is taking part in the famous Oyster Festival or Harbour Day, staging our annual Christmas Fayre, performing music for local care homes or raising money for worthy causes (other than the Scout Group itself), the ways in which we embed ourselves in the heritage of the town are varied.
Based at our own headquarters in Acton Road, the 1st Whitstable Scouts Hall has been a centre for planning, creating and delivering weekly activities for all ages since 1923. In addition, the various sections relish the opportunity to venture outdoors and have regularly enjoyed local beaches, parks and woodland for meetings, camps and other events.


The current 'Group Scout Leader' (GSL) for 1st Whitstable is Piers Manser. 


Each Scout Group has a GSL or Group Scout Lead. It is their job to ensure that the Scout Group thrives and has the best systems in place to support adult volunteers and develop the Group – including a Group Executive Committee and Section leadership teams.


They are also there to ensure that a challenging, exciting and balanced programme is offered to young people in the Scout Group.


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