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Running a Scout Group, including maintaining the Scout Hall is not an inexpensive task and therefore fund raising is one of the key activities of the Scout Group. 


All of the Leaders and Helpers, including the executive comittee are voluntary, unpaid positions and the adults participating give of their time both willingly and generously. 


However the 1st Whitstable Scout Group also raise money for other charities and worthy causes, instilling in its young people the qualities of sharing and global responsibility. 


1st Whitstable Scouts is registered with the Charity Commission (Charity No: 1037171)

You can support 1st Whitstable Scouts in a number of ways;


Financially - through our Donations page here. Don't forget that our Scout Group is both a registered charity and also benefits from GiftAid


Donating equipment - we are often looking for items that we can use in activities or can benefit our young people in the Scout Hall or outside. If you have something you think we could use or would like to know more about the types of things we need then please get in touch via our contact page. 


Time & ideas - can you volunteer in some aspect of the Scout activities? Perhaps you have a skill that could be put to good use by us. It is not just the leadership of the young people that is required. There are various ways that people can help out "behind the scenes" and contribute towards the success of our group.   



© 2022 1st Whitstable Scouts         

Find us: 

1st Whitstable Scout Group, The Scout Hut, Acton Rd, Whitstable, Kent, United Kingdom CT5 1JH

For website support contact us here

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