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Become a Leader or a helper

There are lots of ways you can get more involved with Scouts as either an individual or as a parent, carer or family member. From helping out occasionally on a rota or playing a vital role behind the scenes, to stepping up as a leader, our volunteering activities are as varied as you. 


The good news is you shape what you do and the time you have to give. Scouts happens when a lot of us give a little (and no, you don’t have to be a Scout or outdoors expert to volunteer).



Scouts are the most well-known members of the global family but they’re also part of their wider local Scout Group, alongside Beavers (aged 6-8) and Cubs (aged 8 to 10 1/2). When they're older, they can also join Explorers (for young people aged 14 to 18)


The Scouts organisation has a vision for young people at whatever age to prepare them with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme.

Shaped by young people we want to be making a bigger impact in our communities.


Scouting is all about having fun in a safe, learning environment. It is about letting off steam and being part of a team. Sometimes you aren't sure what you are capable of until you try. If you know a young person in the Whitstable area that might be interested in joining us then get in touch.


Support us in other ways...

As a local organisation and charity in the town of Whitstable we are always on the lookout for people that want to support us and the youth in many different types of way. ​

It may be financial, it could be that you want to donate us equipment, or more importantly it might be your time and energy. We know that not everyone can be a youth worker practically but we still need help behind the scenes. 


Get Involved

Join the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, or Explorers


© 2022 1st Whitstable Scouts         

Find us: 

1st Whitstable Scout Group, The Scout Hut, Acton Rd, Whitstable, Kent, United Kingdom CT5 1JH

For website support contact us here

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